Mosquitoes or Mosquitos
Aedes spp., Culex spp. AndAnopheles spp.
Description: Adult mosquitoes are small and fragile, ranging in body length from 1/8 to 3/8 inch. The head is small and globular with a large pair of compound eyes. Protruding from the head are long, thin, piercing-sucking mouthparts and a pair of antennae that are hairy on the female and feathery or bushy on the male. The wings are long and narrow and held along the body when the insect is at rest. The body and legs usually are covered with scales. The larvae are commonly known as wrigglers and the pupae as tumblers.
Life Cycles: egg » larva » pupa » adult
Where to Look: Mosquitoes require water for larvae and pupae to develop, although a moist substrate may permit development of the pupa, some species may survive long periods out of water from humidity but require water for larvae to hatch. Locate standing water around areas where adult mosquitoes are found.